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  2. █████ The Arsenal Files 5
  4. █████ Disc One of Two
  5. █████ Business, Financial & Personal
  6. █████ PATH: \BUSINESS
  8. 1STALERT.ZIP   139481  06-18-95  1st Alert Credit Card Acct Checker Nifty tool
  9.                                | which allows you to test a credit card
  10.                                | account number against it's checksum value.
  11.                                | Great for when the acct number is hand
  12.                                | written and hard to read. Has neat sound
  13.                                | effects also.
  14. 3DVCP31.ZIP    740067  07-16-95  ViSuAL CALENDER PLANNER 3.1 for Win <ASP> "A
  15.                                | Wallpaper A Day Keeps Trouble Away!" No need
  16.                                | to load and run calendar, just set calendar
  17.                                | as a wallpaper! This PC MAGAZINE AWARD
  18.                                | WINNING PROGRAM + MANY OTHERS also features
  19.                                | Recurring Events, unique Alarm with multiple
  20.                                | Musical Tunes, WYSIWYG Fonts, Color Printing,
  21.                                | MultiView, MultiColor, MultiFont and
  22.                                | MultiDocument capability. Extremely easy to
  23.                                | use. Perfect for a Desktop Planner!
  24. AATSP.ZIP      638103  05-26-95  Accurate Accounting Time Sheet Plus. Ver #1
  25.                                | AATSP Creates Time Sheets/Fast. Stores Data
  26.                                | Automatically/Updating Management Files. It
  27.                                | can be accomplished with no typing. Simple to
  28.                                | operate. On line help available. Menu Dri
  29.                                | -ven. All data displayed, can be imported or
  30.                                | exported. Prints meaningful reports.Bus.Prog
  31.                                | Reports show all cost with overtime factored
  32.                                | in. Displays costs for various disciplines.
  33. ACME16.ZIP      70793  05-27-95  TcSoft's small business system v1.6 Includes
  34.                                | Appointment module, Statement module Client
  35.                                | module w/history, inventory module.
  36. ADBOOK20.ZIP   110500  06-04-95  Adr_Book v2.0 for Windows. Prints mailing
  37.                                | labels, an address booklet, envelopes and
  38.                                | several reports. Also serves as a phone
  39.                                | dialer program.
  40. ADBPRO20.ZIP  1182304  07-04-95  Windows name/address/phone/label manager.
  41.                                | Prints phone lists, address books, holidays
  42.                                | lists, mailing labels and envelopes on any
  43.                                | type paper. Store unlimited notes for each
  44.                                | name. Allows searching and displaying of
  45.                                | names that meet specific selection criteria.
  46.                                | Contains 10 fields per file that you can
  47.                                | customize to track anything you like. Create
  48.                                | and memorize your own reports. Handles large
  49.                                | databases (over 100,000 names).
  50. ADDRDB31.ZIP   514044  07-03-95  Windows name/address/phone/label manager.
  51.                                | Prints phone lists, address books, holidays
  52.                                | lists, mailing and file-folder labels on any
  53.                                | type paper. Store unlimited notes for each
  54.                                | name. Allows searching and displaying of
  55.                                | names that meet specific selection criteria.
  56.                                | Contains 2 fields that you can customize to
  57.                                | track anything you like. For example, you can
  58.                                | name one field "Spouse Name" and the other
  59.                                | "Hobbies". One-touch dialing.
  60. ADDRESS.ZIP    513478  05-24-95  Address Book v2.5. Powerful enough for
  61.                                | personal or business use!
  62. AMORT21.ZIP    365451  06-12-95  AmortizeIT! 2.1 <ASP> a fast, flexible, easy
  63.                                | use loan analyzer. Uses a fill-in-the-blank
  64.                                | interface. Includes an amortization schedule,
  65.                                | & 6 calculators: loan, refinance, remaining
  66.                                | balance, accelerated payments, interest due &
  67.                                | balloon payment. 25 new features: user can
  68.                                | set payment, irregular length 1st periods,
  69.                                | payment date/due date schedules, tax
  70.                                | consequences of a loan. Supports irregular,
  71.                                | skipped & extra payments; adjustable rates.
  72. AM_CA22.ZIP    396600  07-31-95  CAR BOOK PLUS for Windows (MS Windows 3.1)
  73.                                | excellent for Laptops). Includes two separate
  74.                                | programs: Car Mileage Book and Car Expenses
  75.                                | Book. Both programs will help you keep track
  76.                                | of all car records (services, maintenance,
  77.                                | repairs, insurance & license fees, fuel & oil
  78.                                | costs, leasing costs, mileage, and more...).
  79.                                | CAR BOOK PLUS well suited for both personal
  80.                                | and business car use.
  81. AM_DN22.ZIP    208010  07-31-95  DAILY NOTES for Windows: (excellent for
  82.                                | Laptops) (MS Windows 3.1). Are you writing a
  83.                                | lot of different notes on a daily basis? Do
  84.                                | you want to refer to them very quickly? Do
  85.                                | you want to sort them by subject or by date?
  86.                                | Or perhaps you are writing a diary? Do you
  87.                                | want to be able to print some or all of your
  88.                                | notes? Let Daily Notes do the work for you.
  89. AM_HC20.ZIP    233323  06-05-95  HARDWARE CATALOG for Windows: program for
  90.                                | IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your
  91.                                | computer hardware in as much detail as you
  92.                                | need, including the serial # and phone
  93.                                | support number. Unlimited number of entries,
  94.                                | automatically sorted. Searching by any field,
  95.                                | printing and much more. A similar format to a
  96.                                | regular catalog book makes the program very
  97.                                | easy-to-use.
  98. AM_PB31.ZIP    196813  06-20-95  PHONE BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC
  99.                                | (excellent for Laptops) (MS Windows 3.1). Can
  100.                                | be used at home or for business. Includes
  101.                                | fields for name, addresses, two phone
  102.                                | numbers, fax, and comments. Unlimited number
  103.                                | of entries, automatically sorted. Searching,
  104.                                | modem dialing, printing, export/import and
  105.                                | much more. A similar format to a regular
  106.                                | phone-address book makes the program very
  107.                                | easy to use and intuitive.
  108. AM_SC22.ZIP    234393  07-31-95  SOFTWARE BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC
  109.                                | (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your software in as
  110.                                | much detail as you need, including the serial
  111.                                | # and phone support number. Unlimited number
  112.                                | of entries, automatically sorted. Searching
  113.                                | by any field, printing and much more. A
  114.                                | similar format to a regular catalog book
  115.                                | makes the program very easy-to-use.
  116. ANW100.ZIP     472836  06-02-95  AMPLE NOTICE/WIN v1.00 <ASP> - Unusually
  117.                                | flexible appointment calendar/alarm clock
  118.                                | software. Variety of options for viewing,
  119.                                | printing, sorting and archiving the
  120.                                | appointment file. Lets you group entries by
  121.                                | user or category.
  122. ATND33S.ZIP    313097  06-01-95  ATTEND is a single purpose Database program.
  123.                                | an easy method of tracking and recording
  124.                                | Employee attendance. tracks 200 employees.
  125. AUTO25.ZIP     149761  07-27-95  Auto Maintenance Pro v2.5. Track and schedule
  126.                                | maintenance on your vehicle(s). Tracks by
  127.                                | mileage and automatically creates a history
  128.                                | report for your vehicle(s).
  129. BANK27.ZIP     223416  06-15-95  Bank Investor (v2.7) maintains your bank
  130.                                | accounts and budgets income/expenses.It will
  131.                                | print checks in any desired format.
  132. BANKPL30.ZIP   350042  07-01-95  BANK-PLAN r3.0 - Shareware. Reg fee:50 Helps
  133.                                | small & mid-sized businesses to do monthly
  134.                                | cashflow forecasts, plan cash requirements
  135.                                | and manage their cash resources for 12 months
  136.                                | ahead. Produces numerous reports and graphs.
  137.                                | Ideal for "what-ifs" and "rolling forward".
  138.                                | Suits any type of business. Very friendly.
  139.                                | For new and experienced users. Lots of help &
  140.                                | TXT files. Runs stand-alone.
  141. BBK40W.ZIP     503849  05-08-95  OWL Basic Bookkeeping 4.0w: Very easy to use
  142.                                | bookkeeping system for small businesses and
  143.                                | individuals. NO ACCOUNTING EXPERIENCE IS
  144.                                | NEEDED. Tracks income and expenses using
  145.                                | single entry bookkeeping as recommended by
  146.                                | the IRS. Produces easy to understand income,
  147.                                | expense, profit and general ledger reports.
  148.                                | Supports accounting for multiple businesses,
  149.                                | fiscal/calendar year accounting & more.
  150.                                | REQUIRES: Windows 3.1 or above.
  151. BCARD308.ZIP   200022  07-08-95  > NEW! BusinessCards for Windows V3.08 <ASP>
  152.                                | > Extremely INTUITIVE and EASY TO USE free >
  153.                                | form database/organizer. Elegant folio-like >
  154.                                | user interface with tabs and flipping >
  155.                                | pages. Includes FREE BusinessDialer v1.06! >
  156.                                | Windows Mag "Superior Shareware" (Apr'95). >
  157.                                | America Online editor's best pick (Jan'95). >
  158.                                | Cover disk on What PC (Apr'94), Windows Mag >
  159.                                | UK (May'94), Windows User (Jun'94), PC >
  160.                                | NewsFlash (Feb'95). +++++ MUST SEE! +++++
  161. BCLINK16.ZIP   318727  05-15-95  Business Clock Link 1.6 <ASP> Networkable PC
  162.                                | Time Clock and In/OUT Board for Managers with
  163.                                | real-time job and task reporting, E-mail and
  164.                                | Ticker Tape reports. V1.6 has In/Out Board
  165.                                | feature, Sneakernet data merging and
  166.                                | one-click clock-in for easy use. DOS. Written
  167.                                | in C with dBASE file format. "This Clock
  168.                                | Means Business". XT, 640K, 2 meg drive
  169.                                | required. $149.
  170. BIBWIN22.ZIP   884896  05-03-95  BIBL for Windows 2.21 BIBL for Windows is a
  171.                                | full-featured package for managing your
  172.                                | personal and/or office library. Features:
  173.                                | multiple databases; redefine fields;
  174.                                | full-text searching; powerful report
  175.                                | generator; large (up to 24K) note field; link
  176.                                | images to records; value field totals across
  177.                                | database; spell check note field; and much
  178.                                | more.
  179. BSM6.ZIP       357578  06-17-95  Business StartManager 6.0 is an easy to use
  180.                                | Personal Information Manager. It offers an
  181.                                | appointment calendar, a phone number
  182.                                | database, todo lists, a reminder system, text
  183.                                | database and much more. It has an integrated
  184.                                | DOS GRAPHICAL USER interface that is easy to
  185.                                | use.
  186. BUBBLE20.ZIP    92314  07-10-95  Bubble Chart v2.00 <ASP> Animated graph.
  187.                                | Dramatic display of changes in companies'
  188.                                | competitive position over a period of time.
  189.                                | Companies are represented by moving spheres.
  190.                                | Winning companies move towards the upper
  191.                                | right corner; losers are left in the lower
  192.                                | left corner. Import data from spreadsheets.
  193.                                | Spot shifts in competitive positions at a
  194.                                | glance! (Req. VBRUN300.DLL)
  195. BUYLSV10.ZIP   190795  06-09-95  Buy Or Lease. It can help you answer the
  196.                                | questions confronted when a dealer dangles a
  197.                                | low down, low monthly payment lease in front
  198.                                | of you & you have to decide whether to take
  199.                                | the lease or buy the car.
  200. CALLWIZ.ZIP   1293870  05-08-95  Call Wizard - is a powerful lead and prospect
  201.                                | database management tool for Windows. It can
  202.                                | help you expedite communications tasks,
  203.                                | offers helpful hints about overcoming stalls
  204.                                | and objections, and can even cheer you when
  205.                                | you do well.
  206. CALPSC20.ZIP   444045  07-04-95  A small calendar that can be accessed by hot-
  207.                                | key. Allows you to print a calendar of any
  208.                                | month or year. Contains a Julian Date
  209.                                | converter and calculates the number of days
  210.                                | between 2 dates.
  211. CALQCK30.ZIP   913104  09-13-95  Calendar Quick Scheduling Tool v3.00. High
  212.                                | performance scheduling for individuals,
  213.                                | managers, and workgroups. Twelve different
  214.                                | calendar and schedule formats. Advanced user
  215.                                | interface with many extras. WYSIWG printing,
  216.                                | print preview, and copy/paste to other
  217.                                | Windows applications. Includes Timelines and
  218.                                | Action Lists for use in project management.
  219.                                | Requires Windows 3.1 or newer.
  220. CALS15.ZIP     119204  05-13-95  Calendar event appointment schedule envelope.
  221. CETRACKS.ZIP   335515  06-19-95  CE Tracks - is a tool for Attorneys, CPA's,
  222.                                | Physicians, teachers, and other professional
  223.                                | people who are required to take continuing
  224.                                | education courses. It allows you to keep
  225.                                | track of providers, monitor and report on
  226.                                | where you stand with regard to your CE
  227.                                | credits, and provides a helpful visual
  228.                                | journal to keep track of ideas.
  229. CHEEZY11.ZIP    60644  06-24-95  nON-RESIDENT tiny ADDRESS BOOK. Cheap! Send n
  230. CHRNLG17.ZIP   165531  07-23-95  ChronLOG v1.7. Group/resource scheduling
  231.                                | package that's ideal for scheduling
  232.                                | employees, conference rooms, equipment
  233.                                | checkout/reservations, or any other shared
  234.                                | items.
  235. CJPOS521.ZIP   791906  09-16-95  CJPOS Ver. 5.21 <ASP> A complete
  236.                                | point-of-sale program configurable to any
  237.                                | small businesses. This very easy-to-use
  238.                                | program will write invoices, estimates, track
  239.                                | inventory and salespersons, Perform sales
  240.                                | analysis for any period, keep a customer
  241.                                | accounts receivable, and more. A powerful
  242.                                | program. Included is demo data for an
  243.                                | automotive
  244. CLBPPB10.ZIP   397958  06-19-95  Personal phone book.
  245. CLIP315.ZIP    154645  06-01-95  MONEYCLIP v3.15 - Personal Budget Manager.
  246.                                | This is NOT another checkbook register
  247.                                | program. Moneyclip helps you control your
  248.                                | personal budget by projecting your income and
  249.                                | expenses on a month to month basis. You set
  250.                                | up your budget using a very user friendly
  251.                                | interface and the program keeps you informed
  252.                                | as to how you are doing. Use on any DOS
  253.                                | computer with at least 640K. A very unique
  254.                                | and useful program!
  255. CRCST309.ZIP    43870  05-31-95  A carcost Database using MUI v3.09
  256. CSAM22.ZIP     131899  05-11-95  CSAMORT version 2.20 <ASP> - Performs loan
  257.                                | amortization schedules and automatic payment
  258.                                | calculations. Contains a number of options
  259.                                | for special mortgage loan calculations.
  260.                                | Computer Solutions, Inc. $9.95 + s/h.
  261. CSHFL3_6.ZIP   321264  05-15-95  (v3.6) Cash Flow Modeler - Use net present
  262.                                | value, internal rate of return and modified
  263.                                | internal rate of return functions to analyse
  264.                                | any income stream paid monthly, quarterly,
  265.                                | semi-annual or annual. Save work to file,
  266.                                | work on a before and 9after tax basis and
  267.                                | solve for partial amortisation. Program
  268.                                | supports numerous user defined defaults.
  269.                                | Great for mortgage or income discounting,
  270.                                | lease analysis or just about any income
  271. CSTING.ZIP     591699  05-30-95  Product Partner for Windows - allows you to
  272.                                | track and review vendor prices based on a
  273.                                | user-defined time period. Features include
  274.                                | menu costing, and the ability to compare
  275.                                | product usage to product purchased based upon
  276.                                | sales. This is excellent for controlling
  277.                                | vendor prices in a volatile environ- ment and
  278.                                | helps control the bottom line.
  279. DARNW40.ZIP    463150  06-01-95  DARN! Don't Forget! Events Reminder Be
  280.                                | popular in your family or office when you
  281.                                | always remember birthdays, anniversaries,
  282.                                | appointments, and other events! DARN! pops up
  283.                                | every day, and gives you plenty of warning so
  284.                                | you can purchase cards or presents, plan
  285.                                | parties, or prepare for meetings. ASP
  286.                                | shareware from EmmaSoft Software Co, Inc.
  287. DAYMW200.ZIP   753682  07-19-95  DayMaster For Windows 2.00 <ASP> Program
  288.                                | gives you historical events, births and
  289.                                | anniversaries for the day, a quote, and any
  290.                                | reminders you have at boot up or any time.
  291.                                | Reminders can be annual,monthly,weekly,daily,
  292.                                | range of dates, or single date. Even lets you
  293.                                | add your own special days in history! From
  294.                                | Unicorn Software Limited.
  295. DBD13.ZIP      758268  05-05-95  Day By Day v1.3 <ASP> PIM includes scheduler,
  296.                                | task list manager, and diary, all with
  297.                                | password protection for data security. Master
  298.                                | task list allows easy entry of recurring
  299.                                | tasks and default scheduling on a weekly
  300.                                | basis. Automatically push uncompleted tasks
  301.                                | to a future date if desired. Diary section
  302.                                | includes text search feature and allows up to
  303.                                | 64K of notes per day.
  304. DCFA2_8.ZIP    615526  06-07-95  Discounted Cash Flow Analyst v2.8. Multiple
  305.                                | document interface real estate analysis
  306.                                | package that will ascertain value for income
  307.                                | producing properties; uses industry standard
  308.                                | net present value income & reversion analysis
  309.                                | on a net income.
  310. DEBTW20D.ZIP   310711  05-11-95  Debt Analyzer for Windows v2.0dDebt
  311.                                | Elimination at its best! A package designed
  312.                                | to help reduce and eliminate debt and save
  313.                                | you hundreds of dollars in the process. Build
  314.                                | debt reduction schedules or loan
  315.                                | consolidation schedules. Handles up to 50
  316.                                | debts at once. Use minimum payments
  317.                                | (percentages too), current payments or
  318.                                | accelerated payments with elimination. Nine
  319.                                | priority methods or define your own.
  320. DKING101.ZIP  1323323  07-27-95  Data King v1.01. Automation system to replace
  321.                                | broker/agent paper file system. General
  322.                                | purpose client information system, but with
  323.                                | some special functionality for the
  324.                                | financial/insurance industry.
  325. DLDB_10.ZIP    939358  05-13-95  Downline Database v1.0 : a Windows 3.1
  326.                                | Application written specifically for the
  327.                                | Multi-Level Marketing business.
  328. DOCUTK11.ZIP   803651  09-06-95  Infothek Document Imaging v1.10 <ASP>
  329.                                | Comprehensive document imaging system for
  330.                                | business and personal use. Industry-standard
  331.                                | format and compression. TIFF, DCX, GIF, JPEG
  332.                                | and other formats. Multiple pages. Popular
  333.                                | relational database engine. Easy to use,
  334.                                | intuitive, yet powerful SQL-based query
  335.                                | method. Scan documents with fax or scanner.
  336.                                | Requires VBRUN300.
  337. DVEND223.ZIP   203147  05-04-95  THE DISK VENDOR sales catalog system. For
  338.                                | businesses who need an interactive on-line
  339.                                | disk based catalog for their customers.
  340.                                | Complete instructions and compiler is
  341.                                | included to show you how to make your own
  342.                                | catalog that can be distributed royalty free
  343.                                | to customers. Produces very professional
  344.                                | looking results very simply and quickly.
  345.                                | Version 2.23GB
  346. ECKWIN12.ZIP   198623  08-06-95  THE E-Z CREDIT KIT v1.2 for Windows This
  347.                                | program offers a graphical, user friendly
  348.                                | road to credit freedom. Features: * Legal
  349.                                | forms for credit file editing * Secrets to
  350.                                | filling out loan and credit apps * Lists of
  351.                                | eager banks who issue credit cards * Learn
  352.                                | how to use credit to MAKE money! * Where to
  353.                                | start if you have no credit. * Info on how to
  354.                                | start a second credit file! Requires Windows
  355.                                | 3; a Printer; VBRUN300.DLL
  356. EDESK44U.ZIP   509341  05-18-95  Voted one of the best Information Managers by
  357.                                | Ziff-Davis OnLine, EXECUTIVE DESK will help
  358.                                | you accomplish more in a working day than you
  359.                                | ever thought possible. Includes Calendar,
  360.                                | Address Book, To-Do Lists, Follow-Up Lists,
  361.                                | Phone List, and a unique "Day View" for
  362.                                | easily organizing your workload. Extremely
  363.                                | easy to use with one of the best online help
  364.                                | systems available anywhere. From SANDERSON
  365.                                | ASSOCIATES.
  366. EDGFLW60.ZIP   220116  07-22-95  EDGEFLOW v6.0<ASP> is a lightning FAST and
  367.                                | VERY easy to use flowcharting and diagram
  368.                                | drawing tool for DOS. Requires EGA/VGA or
  369.                                | Hercules graphics, 512K RAM, a PC XT/AT, 286
  370.                                | and up, and mouse. Fully functional Shareware.
  371. EEBNDW4.ZIP   1289200  06-21-95  EEBond for Windows v.4 - EEBond for Windows
  372.                                | is a U.S. Savings Bond database and valuation
  373.                                | program. EEBond maintains a database and
  374.                                | determines the value of Series E and Series
  375.                                | EE Savings Bonds and U.S. Savings Notes.
  376.                                | Covers years 1942 to present. This version
  377.                                | valid through October 1995! Not crippled. No
  378.                                | annoying screens. Full installation. Online
  379.                                | WYSIWYG reports sort 7 different ways. All
  380.                                | DLL's included. SHAREWARE $20.
  381. EMPSCH.ZIP     434369  05-30-95  Scheduling Partner for Windows - helps
  382.                                | schedule employee time & pre-determine labor
  383.                                | costs. This is a powerful tool to assist in
  384.                                | holding the line on labor costs.
  385. EREPRT10.ZIP    77460  07-10-95  E:report v1.10 <ASP> Don't print your
  386.                                | Management Reports! E:report reads all
  387.                                | standard print files and automatically
  388.                                | creates permanent indexed hierarchical
  389.                                | outlines of the reports. Innovative
  390.                                | Indexing-by-Example method. View a section of
  391.                                | the report instantly by clicking on the
  392.                                | outline. Search, split screens,export, file
  393.                                | compression, passwords. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
  394. ESAW107.ZIP    549532  07-04-95  Employee Scheduling Assistant V 1.07 (ASP)-
  395.                                | Designed for institutions with mostly full-
  396.                                | time employees. An easy to use scheduler with
  397.                                | flexibility and control that will save time
  398.                                | and effort to keep track of items like
  399.                                | vacations and shift assignments. Auto install
  400.                                | and an Example department with ficticious
  401.                                | employees. Distribution graphs display the
  402.                                | hour by hour coverage for each day. Many
  403.                                | other features. Guia International
  404. ET250A1.ZIP   1141664  08-30-95  Electronic Teller v2.50a, home finacial
  405.                                | application [1/2]
  406. ET250A2.ZIP   1048091  08-30-95  Electronic Teller v2.50a, home finacial
  407.                                | application [2/2]
  408. EVENTS.ZIP     642001  06-01-95  Event Timer - helps you record the time you
  409.                                | spend on a variety of tasks on your computer.
  410.                                | You define the list of tasks in a
  411.                                | hierarchical manner based upon your own
  412.                                | typical activities. The program automatically
  413.                                | takes care of accumulating time and switching
  414.                                | timers on and off as you move from one
  415.                                | designated activity to another. Req. WIN31.
  416. EXPENSE.ZIP    126949  05-08-95  Travel Expense for Windows - is a foreign
  417.                                | travel expense accounting package for WIN31.
  418.                                | It keeps track of a variety of travel
  419.                                | expenses and does currency conversions. This
  420.                                | edition uses Asian currencies, but can be
  421.                                | adapted for use anywhere.
  422. FAMCAL15.ZIP   278948  07-18-95  Family Calendar for Windows v1.50 <ASP>
  423.                                | Prints family oriented, professional quality
  424.                                | wall calendars. Give as gifts or sell for
  425.                                | profit. Auto-year counts. Purse or pocket
  426.                                | tri-fold SHOPPING LIST. Events for departed
  427.                                | family memebers. Promotes family history and
  428.                                | unity. Supports Int'l dates & A4 paper size.
  429.                                | Auto font sizing. REGISTERED users receive
  430.                                | free 12 month laser printed and bound
  431.                                | calendar, free support and updates.
  432. FANDF100.ZIP   167653  05-16-95  Friends and Family is a Visual Basic
  433.                                | Application that keeps track of family and
  434.                                | friends: 1) Names and addresses. 2) Unlimited
  435.                                | # of phone #'s per name. 3) Recurring events
  436.                                | for each person or family. You'll never
  437.                                | forget a birthday or anniversary again.
  438.                                | People will appreciate your thoughtfullness.
  439.                                | 4) Lets you use your own waveform files to
  440.                                | assign funny sound effects to your friends
  441.                                | and family members.
  442. FC022E_A.ZIP   847459  05-23-95  FULL CONTACT V 2.2 <ASP> - A TOTALLY
  443.                                | stomizable PIMS with a flexible Hyperinf.
  444.                                | like structure. FC includes:an Address
  445.                                | book;an Agenda Manager with:ticklers,
  446.                                | repetitive appointment,to do's,weekly,
  447.                                | monthly,daily views,sophisticated reports; a
  448.                                | Mass Mailing engine with label and fax
  449.                                | capabilities;Order entry system;a product
  450.                                | data base;Expenses and Sales opportunity
  451.                                | log;internal Backup;DDE server;Dial; Report
  452. FC022E_B.ZIP   495072  05-23-95  FULL CONTACT V 2.2 <ASP> - A TOTALLY
  453.                                | stomizable PIMS with a flexible Hyperinf.
  454.                                | like structure. FC includes:an Address
  455.                                | book;an Agenda Manager with:ticklers,
  456.                                | repetitive appointment,to do's,weekly,
  457.                                | monthly,daily views,sophisticated reports; a
  458.                                | Mass Mailing engine with label and fax
  459.                                | capabilities;Order entry system;a product
  460.                                | data base;Expenses and Sales opportunity
  461.                                | log;internal Backup;DDE server;Dial; Report
  462. FFBMGR.ZIP     479466  05-31-95  FF Billing Manager v3.10 <ASP> Financial
  463.                                | Freedom Billing Manager is a billing program
  464.                                | for Windows. Includes multiple companies,
  465.                                | three invoice formats, unlimited customers,
  466.                                | over 10 customizable reports and much more!
  467.                                | Designed for any type of business. FREE
  468.                                | upgrade to next version and much more. If you
  469.                                | are serious about your business, check this
  470.                                | program out! New! Print fonts on your
  471.                                | invoices!
  472. FILE20.ZIP     235123  07-24-95  File a Friend version 2.00 A Database program
  473.                                | to keep track of your Friends and Business
  474.                                | Assosiates Addresses and Phone Number(s).
  475. FINMAN.ZIP     503476  05-14-95  Financial Manager for Windows - helps you
  476.                                | evaluate the performance of your company and
  477.                                | to valuate its shares. Using financial
  478.                                | statements and other mgmt. ratios from top
  479.                                | international companies, it helps you plan
  480.                                | your company's need for cash in the near
  481.                                | future and how to identify sources from where
  482.                                | cash can be raised.
  483. FLRST20.ZIP    185323  07-29-95  PC-FLORIST Product Costing for Flower Shops.
  484.                                | Calc cost and required selling prices based
  485.                                | on a desired gross profit % and/or $ amount.
  486.                                | Edit input costs to see the effect on costs
  487.                                | and margins. User selectable sorted
  488.                                | displays/printed reports. Full mouse support
  489.                                | and on-line help. Note field for each stock
  490.                                | item, arrangement and product. Also calc
  491.                                | total revenue, cost and gross profit for a
  492.                                | bid, etc.
  493. FOLDER20.ZIP  1081605  07-01-95  Folders Personal Information manager Folders
  494.                                | keeps all of your personal and business
  495.                                | records plus appointments in one handy
  496.                                | location. Send faxes and Email.View
  497.                                | appoinments, search for clients and
  498.                                | appointments using quick search, update
  499.                                | appointments automatically load documents
  500.                                | into image viewer and set them as wallpaper
  501. FSCH1.ZIP      493932  07-01-95  Family Scheduler: for busy families.
  502. FTTLV532.ZIP   925463  06-12-95  FTTL - v5.30 <ASP> Flexitime and Time Logging
  503.                                | System. Seamless integration between
  504.                                | recording employee attendance and what they
  505.                                | are doing with that time. Organisations can
  506.                                | then monitor attendance, holidays, personal
  507.                                | and team performance and produce billing
  508.                                | information for clients. Stand alone or
  509.                                | network.
  510. FUND27.ZIP     372252  06-15-95  Fund Investor v2.7. Portfolio manager that
  511.                                | can d/l quotes from CompuServe and interact
  512.                                | with Fidelity and Vanguard computers.
  513. GFTCRT.ZIP     424128  05-30-95  Gift Certificates - lets you to prepare and
  514.                                | track gift certificates on your computer.
  515.                                | This allows you to know at any time your
  516.                                | outstanding gift certificates.
  517. GPP214.ZIP     478320  05-16-95  General Invoice Sales Tracker Plus+ - is a
  518.                                | general invoice sales tracker for firms
  519.                                | needing descriptive invoices which include
  520.                                | more than just numbers. This program provides
  521.                                | all income data required by most accountants.
  522.                                | It prints invoices, statements, labels,
  523.                                | reports, and invoice and customer directories.
  524. HAPPY23.ZIP      3679  08-25-95  Birthday-reminder for home and office. Give
  525.                                | it a snug place in AUTOEXEC.BAT and
  526.                                | forgetting a birthday is a thing of the past!
  527.                                | For use with a stand-alone PC or in a multi-
  528.                                | user network. Shareware by 'Nice Software!'
  529. HAZLABEL.ZIP    34642  05-20-95  MS DOS compatible program which prints labels
  530.                                | for hazardous materials with their common
  531.                                | names and CAS numbers. This is version 1.00
  532.                                | and is shareware. The cost to a school or
  533.                                | business for a license to use this program is
  534.                                | $20.00.
  535. HELPUSAV.ZIP    34434  05-04-95  Mortimoore's Help You Save Freeware by
  536.                                | Mortimoore... Helps you to save up money for
  537.                                | something... Use a system startup event, or
  538.                                | standalone.
  539. HOMEACCT.ZIP   519906  06-07-95  Home Accountant for Windows - allows you to
  540.                                | keep track of your household expenses,
  541.                                | budgets, bank accounts, and credit cards.
  542.                                | Expenses and incomes are categorized, and
  543.                                | several types of reports can be sent to
  544.                                | screen or to printer. Bar charts and Pie
  545.                                | charts can easily be created. Req. WIN31.
  546. HOMEBIZZ.ZIP   260076  06-02-95  The Complete Home Business Guide Tired of the
  547.                                | dead-end nine to five world in which you're
  548.                                | working? There is a way out:a home based
  549.                                | business.If you're looking for the home
  550.                                | business opportunity that's just right for
  551.                                | you, you want the valuable information that's
  552.                                | in this dynamic program.Whether you are
  553.                                | looking for an opportunity to earn a little
  554.                                | extra spending money or you are looking for a
  555.                                | way out of the nine-to-five (or worse)
  556. HOMEBS1.ZIP    164004  08-19-95  Home Business Success 1.0 Business-building
  557.                                | information to save time & money!
  558. HP12C12.ZIP    169318  06-29-95  HP-12C FINANCIAL CALCULATOR EMULATOR.
  559.                                | EMULATES THE HEWLETT-PACKARD FINANCIAL
  560.                                | CALCULATOR: BONDS, REAL ESTATE, LOANS. FULLY
  561.                                | PROGRAMMABLE, CONTINOUS MEMORY. REQUIREMENTS:
  562.                                | VBRUN300.DLL, WINDOWS 3.1, VGA WITH 256
  563.                                | COLORS.
  564. HPRO30.ZIP     867710  08-07-95  HomeWork 3.0 Professional Edition THE Home
  565.                                | Office software package! Features PIM, Memo
  566.                                | system, Employee Dbase, Windows(r) access,
  567.                                | Word Processor, Time Card Billing, and more!
  568.                                | 3D Screen displays like you've never seen
  569.                                | before along with ease of u make this the #1
  570.                                | software on the Home Office If you operate a
  571.                                | Home Office or business this THE software for
  572.                                | you! REG. VBRUN300.DLL
  573. HR_V1_1.ZIP     38642  06-03-95  Handy Reminder is a utility designed to
  574.                                | remind you when it is time to backup your
  575.                                | Hard Disk and also reminds you when your Hard
  576.                                | Disk is due for a Defrag. Handy Reminder also
  577.                                | allows you to enter personal reminders such
  578.                                | as appointments, Meetings, Birthdays,
  579.                                | Anniversaries etc. Documentation -
  580.                                | HANDYREM.TXT
  581. HSEBIL.ZIP     432940  05-30-95  Billing Partner for Windows - helps track
  582.                                | restaurant House Accounts. It creates
  583.                                | customer statements for guest check charges.
  584.                                | You can easily enter guest checks and
  585.                                | payments with on call customer inquiry.
  586. HWORK25.ZIP    754168  06-19-95  HomeWork 2.5! The NEWEST release! Now offers
  587.                                | more of what you need for your Home Office! A
  588.                                | complete system with Loan Sheet, Employee
  589.                                | tracking and DBase system, Time Card system,
  590.                                | and now access to basic Windows programs like
  591.                                | File Manager and Write, plus more! Even has
  592.                                | built-in Memo system, PIM, and Alarm
  593.                                | functions!
  594. INFMAN10.ZIP    72480  07-25-95  INFORMATION MANAGER VERSION 1.0 (a PIM) - A
  595.                                | high quality Personal Information Manager -
  596.                                | Address Book, Calendar, To Do Lists, and
  597.                                | Notepads - Simple, easy-to-use interface -
  598.                                | Context-Sensitive Help - Lost cost
  599.                                | registration - Great for home or office!
  600. INFOTK11.ZIP   775567  09-06-95  Infothek Information Manager v1.10 <ASP>
  601.                                | Complete Information Manager for business and
  602.                                | personal use. Popular relational database
  603.                                | engine. Very easy, intuitive, yet powerful
  604.                                | SQL-based query method. Databases can be
  605.                                | created and restructured in minutes.
  606.                                | Cross-tabs, graphs, reports, labels, merge,
  607.                                | POSTNET, Code39 bar codes, import, export.
  608.                                | Requires VBRUN300.DLL
  609. INV31AF.ZIP    501531  06-14-95  THE INVOICE STORE V. 3.1 Rev AF. An
  610.                                | Invoicing, POS & Customer Tracking system for
  611.                                | the small business. Very simple to learn &
  612.                                | use, and requires no accounting background.
  613.                                | Perfect for any mailorder, retail, or any
  614.                                | business that requires invoicing. Maintains
  615.                                | Customers, Vendors, Sales Personnel, Sales
  616.                                | History, Inventory Management, Invoicing &
  617.                                | Receivables, Sales Taxes, Credits & Returns.
  618.                                | Supports POS hardware and is network ready.
  619. IRA_V10.ZIP     98499  05-22-95  This very simple to use program is about to
  620.                                | introduce you to what many Financial Wizards
  621.                                | have termed, "The Eighth Wonder of the
  622.                                | World". NO, the wonder is not this software,
  623.                                | but rather the financial principle known as
  624.                                | "Compound Interest". It is this wonder,
  625.                                | which, at say a 20% per year Interest rate,
  626.                                | allows you to turn an $ 80,000 dollar
  627.                                | investment into a fortune of $ 31,000,000
  628. ISM46A.ZIP     446978  05-21-95  INDEPENDENT SERVICE MANAGER v4.6 Complete
  629.                                | auto repair shop program for use by repair
  630.                                | shops, body shops, machine shops.
  631.                                | Contains:Repair orders, Scheduling,Invoice,
  632.                                | Estimates, Notes, Rolodex, Parts Inventory
  633.                                | Customer tracking & follow up, Basic
  634.                                | Acounting, many reports. Similar shop manager
  635.                                | programs have a retail cost of $Thousands..
  636.                                | In beta for 3yrs and released to shareware in
  637.                                | 1995. Author is a master mechanic/programmer.
  638. JOBHN63A.ZIP  1287906  06-02-95  JobHunt (tm) with Resume, V.6.3L (File 1/2)
  639.                                | JOBS RESUME CAREER EMPLOYMENT WINDOWS JOB
  640.                                | Contact up to 10,000 employers TONIGHT! Make
  641.                                | money doing mass mailings for others.
  642.                                | Major-employer database. Full contact-info.
  643.                                | Automatic mail merge; prints personalized
  644.                                | Letters/Labels/Envelopes; Create Stunning
  645.                                | Resumes in COLOR. Phone dialer. Export. 9,000
  646.                                | more records on registration ($29.95) "JOB
  647.                                | HUNT Helps You Get a Job" Byte Mag.
  648. JOBHN63B.ZIP   420599  06-02-95  JobHunt (tm) with Resume, V.6.3L (File 2/2)
  649.                                | JOBS RESUME CAREER EMPLOYMENT WINDOWS JOB
  650.                                | Contact up to 10,000 employers TONIGHT! Make
  651.                                | money doing mass mailings for others.
  652.                                | Major-employer database. Full contact-info.
  653.                                | Automatic mail merge; prints personalized
  654.                                | Letters/Labels/Envelopes; Create Stunning
  655.                                | Resumes in COLOR. Phone dialer. Export. 9,000
  656.                                | more records on registration ($29.95) "JOB
  657.                                | HUNT Helps You Get a Job" Byte Mag.
  658. JOBNET40.ZIP   130586  07-05-95  JOBNET v4.0 <ASAD> Put your skills to work
  659.                                | making money. JobNet is the 1-800 Contact
  660.                                | Directory for professionals seeking temp and
  661.                                | perm jobs. Now, you can access a national
  662.                                | market and do it in a cost effective and
  663.                                | productive manner. JobNET shows you how.
  664.                                | 1000's registered users. $20 fee includes
  665.                                | ASCII text file of mailing addresses. Runs
  666.                                | under DOS, Windows, OS/2.
  667. KSTAT41.ZIP   1412844  08-16-95  KWIKSTAT v4.1, <ASP> <ESC> allows you to
  668.                                | analyze and graph business & scientific data.
  669.                                | 1992 SIA winner. Recognized as one of the
  670.                                | best, professional & complete statistical
  671.                                | data analysis packages. Michael Callahan says
  672.                                | "No program I've seen beats KWIKSTAT."
  673.                                | Created & maintained by professional
  674.                                | statisticians. 12,000+ registered. Uses
  675.                                | dBASE, 1-2-3, & ASCII files.
  676. LC22.ZIP        23038  07-25-95  Loan Calculator v2.2. Calculates principal or
  677.                                | payments for loans & mortgages. Includes
  678.                                | 5-function calculator.
  679. LEXTR2_6.ZIP   380140  06-30-95  (v2.5) Land Extractor - Multiple document int
  680.                                | real estate analysis package. Quickly extract
  681.                                | value from improved sales using cost and resi
  682.                                | techniques. Works with all types of propertie
  683.                                | Numerous user defined defaults with strong gr
  684.                                | print output. Shareware (US$ 59.95)
  685. LIFEPLAN.ZIP  2223784  05-14-95  LifePlan - is a powerful tool that helps you
  686.                                | to decide exactly what you want to achieve in
  687.                                | your life, and then helps you to set the
  688.                                | goals and targets that will move you on a
  689.                                | daily basis towards achieving those dreams.
  690.                                | This is a unique way to prioritize your life.
  691.                                | Requires WIN31, 4MB RAM, hard disk, and a
  692.                                | 386SX or better.
  693. LISTBLD1.ZIP   444918  07-13-95  ListBuilder v1.11 <ASP> Contact Manager for
  694.                                | building networks of people. Collect
  695.                                | demographic info, set appointments on your
  696.                                | calendar, auto-dial your contacts, brain
  697.                                | storm to build bigger lists! Print reports
  698.                                | and create mailing labels. Catagorize your
  699.                                | contacts onto different lists. Display only
  700.                                | the people you are working with. Very easy-
  701.                                | to-use, and can be customized.
  702. LNTRK1_5.ZIP   354186  06-13-95  (v1.5) The Loan Tracker Plus - multiple docum
  703.                                | package that allows the tracking of both fixe
  704.                                | rate mortgages. Review interest paid and save
  705.                                | payment histories. Program supports numerous
  706.                                | defaults for initial loan setup. Save client
  707.                                | information to file. Good on-line help file.
  708.                                | Shareware (US$ 25.95)
  709. LOANAMOR.ZIP    53845  07-29-95  Excel v4.0 template for calulating your home
  710.                                | mortage. Allows for additional payments to
  711.                                | determine the savings effect of early
  712.                                | payments.
  713. LOANBK.ZIP     328464  05-31-95  Visual Loan Book for windows. Helps
  714.                                | determines all of the variables assigned to a
  715.                                | loan.
  716. LOANPLS1.ZIP   483447  05-24-95  Loan*Calculator! Plus 1.0s <ASP> [MS Windows
  717.                                | 3.x] 6 easy to use calculators in 1 program:
  718.                                | Loan, Interest Due/Calendar Math, Remaining
  719.                                | Balance, Accelerated Payment, Balloon Payment
  720.                                | & Refinance. Run multiple copies of a
  721.                                | calculator for fast side-by-side comparisons.
  722.                                | Just fill-in-the-blanks, & press 'CALC'
  723.                                | button. Copy & Print results. Shareware.
  724.                                | $24.95 By the author of SolveIT! AmortizeIT!.
  725.                                | With easy UnInstall option.
  726. LTBWIN.ZIP     446581  06-13-95  LENDER'S TOOLBOX 2.0 for Windows: Essential
  727.                                | tools for lenders OR borrowers. Use the Loan
  728.                                | Calculator for 'what if' scenarios. Amortize
  729.                                | with normal P&I or fixed principal payments
  730.                                | on a bi-weekly*, semi- monthly*, monthly,
  731.                                | quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis using
  732.                                | 30 day months or exact days* between dates.
  733.                                | Easy to use with on-line help. Version 2.0a,
  734.                                | with many new [*] features and user
  735.                                | customizable defaults.
  736. LWMD33.ZIP     189398  06-01-95  _____ LIFETIME WEALTH MANAGEMENT v3.3 ______
  737.                                | A comprehensive personal financial program.
  738.                                | Provides calculations, projections, graphs
  739.                                | for Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net Worth
  740.                                | Mortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds.
  741.                                | Portfolio management system records, tracks
  742.                                | and graphs your investment performance.
  743.                                | Everyone can use this program covering all
  744.                                | stages of your financial life. Excellent On-
  745.                                | Line Help. For DOS. Rated:
  746. MAINTER.ZIP    115727  05-02-95  Maint - assists companies in managing
  747.                                | equipment servicing and repairs. You can keep
  748.                                | up-to-date records of service history,
  749.                                | supplier details, specifications, and spare
  750.                                | parts. Cost budgets can be set and actual
  751.                                | expenditures monitored against the budget.
  752.                                | This version will store up to 25 equipment
  753.                                | items.
  754. MAPDRW20.ZIP    89408  07-24-95  MapDraw v2.00 Deed Plotting System
  755.                                | Easy-to-use deed plotting system for real
  756.                                | estate and title professionals. Draws maps
  757.                                | based on metes and bounds descriptions.
  758.                                | Instant online display while data is entered.
  759.                                | Curves, gap, acreage calculations, closing,
  760.                                | scaling, multiple lots. High quality printing
  761.                                | on any Windows-compatible printer. Used in
  762.                                | most states.SWREG# 6508. Req. VBRUN300.DLL.
  763. MATHWZ20.ZIP   103850  07-10-95  Math Wiz v2.00 <ASP> Versatile, easy-to-use
  764.                                | financial calcualtor. PV, FV, PMT, IRR,
  765.                                | periods, payback, etc. Spreadsheet-style
  766.                                | entry of irregular cash flow, save, print,
  767.                                | paper tape, roll-back, date calculations,
  768.                                | multi-term amortization tables, trigonometry.
  769.                                | Excellent all-purpose calculator. (Requires
  770.                                | VBRUN300.DLL)
  771. MAXPOS20.ZIP   277013  07-04-95  Max Point of Sale User Guide v2.0 Max POS is
  772.                                | a robust, full-featured, multiuser retail
  773.                                | point of sale system. it enable your PC to
  774.                                | emulate an electronic cash register.
  775. MDW310.ZIP    1172630  06-23-95  Mortgage Designer for Windows - performs fast
  776.                                | and easy mortgage calculations. You can
  777.                                | generate amortization schedules to screen,
  778.                                | printer, or disk file, and can choose which
  779.                                | payments are shown. Complex what-if
  780.                                | calculations can be performed.
  781. MEDCLAIM.ZIP  1004788  05-30-95  MedClaim for Windows - handles medical claims
  782.                                | and payments quickly and efficiently. It
  783.                                | tracks all payments, and can print a medical
  784.                                | claim using the standard HCFP-1500 form as
  785.                                | well as Blue Cross/Blue Shield forms.
  786. MEMBER33.ZIP   289165  09-03-95  Membership database application used by all
  787.                                | types of organizations. Holds info on
  788.                                | individual member & former members. Tracks
  789.                                | dues, committees, officers and member
  790.                                | interests and more. 10 reports with many
  791.                                | variations, 8 address labels. Menu driven
  792.                                | with lot of helpful messages.
  793. MFTC15A.ZIP    554344  05-15-95  MFTC: Mutual Fund Tax Calculator, v1.5a -
  794.                                | RCCO Research. For Windows 3.1+. MFTC
  795.                                | provides a facility for determining the tax
  796.                                | cost of redeemed shares (full or partial) in
  797.                                | one or more mutual fund accounts. For IRS
  798.                                | Form 1040 Schedule D filers. Computes divs,
  799.                                | CG distribs, sales, purchases on an average-
  800.                                | cost basis. New in v1.5: Report Writer.
  801. MLF11.ZIP      263329  05-20-95  { Mailing List Formmater v.1.1 } Transforms a
  802.                                | comma delimited mail list created by DDA
  803.                                | PhoneDisc (c). Sort by name, city & state or
  804.                                | zipcode. Transform BUSINESS proper names to
  805.                                | first name, last name. Parse out or change
  806.                                | title text, i.e., JONES JR, JOHN Q ATTORNEY
  807.                                | becomes JOHN Q JONES, JR. Converts to
  808.                                | standard DBF file format or comma delimited.
  809. MMFT25.ZIP     767677  05-01-95  Micro Manifest-Automated Shipping Software
  810.                                | Micro Manifest will completely automate the
  811.                                | U.P.S. shipping process. Looks up all rates
  812.                                | and incidential charges. Prints all labels,
  813.                                | U.P.S. approved shipping reports. Also prints
  814.                                | past shipment reports for marketing, sales,
  815.                                | and RECONCILIATION purposes. Immediate search
  816.                                | of past shipment records. Customer database
  817.                                | import feature, totally updatable rate and
  818.                                | zone charts. Approved by U.P.S. for over 300
  819. MONEYTR4.ZIP   437836  06-08-95  Money Tree 4.0 freeware digizine for
  820.                                | entrepreneurs, small business
  821. MP41.ZIP       291616  08-25-95  Multi-Print 4.1 Print 1-9 pages of text on
  822.                                | EACH sheet of paper, in 5 different ways, on
  823.                                | Epsons, DeskJets or LaserJets! Print 2-sided
  824.                                | on ANY printer. Save up to 85% of the paper
  825.                                | normally used! Includes 17 fonts! Print
  826.                                | manuals, readme or source code files, news-
  827.                                | letters, catalogs, etc. Easy-to-use, menu-
  828.                                | driven, and amust-have for shareware users,
  829.                                | authors, programmers, businesses, etc.
  830. MPM155.ZIP      76572  08-01-95  Mark's Portfolio Manager v1.55 for MS-Excel.
  831. MTGEM2_5.ZIP   362584  06-13-95  (v2.5) Mortgage Modeler - multiple document
  832.                                | interface mortgage analysis package.
  833.                                | Calculates differing loan payment ranges and
  834.                                | accompanying amortization tables. Allows
  835.                                | comparison of differing loan scenarios to
  836.                                | find the best available choice. Solve for
  837.                                | unknown payment, interest rate and payment
  838.                                | number. Program supports numerous user
  839.                                | defined defaults for categories. Product also
  840.                                | ships with a conventional loan qualifier
  841. MWPR17.ZIP     113552  06-30-95  MWPR - Medlin Windows Payroll Writing <ASP>
  842.                                | From MEDLIN ACCOUNTING SHAREWARE. Complete
  843.                                | easy to use payroll writing program. Built-in
  844.                                | State & Federal tables. Up to 4 user set
  845.                                | deductions allow for tips, 401k, medical
  846.                                | deductions, disability insurance, local
  847.                                | taxes, etc. Up to 3 other income fields.
  848.                                | Print reports for any period. Registered
  849.                                | users receive W-2 printing program. $38
  850. MWSE_21.ZIP    565674  05-08-95  This nice intuitive program can calculate
  851.                                | payments, remaining balance & Amort. Period.
  852.                                | Amortization schedule is in scrollable
  853.                                | spreadsheet format with screen splitting and
  854.                                | formatting capabilities. Payment distribution
  855.                                | is displayed in tabular and pie chart form.
  856.                                | Does Canadian and American mortgages.
  857. NAN.ZIP       1228149  05-18-95  NAN - is a name and address book for WIN31.
  858.                                | It features fields for home/work/cellular
  859.                                | phone numbers, fax number, and e-mail
  860.                                | address, as well as birthdays and
  861.                                | miscellaneous notes. Other features include
  862.                                | formats for foreign countries, the ability to
  863.                                | print a complete address book or phone #'s
  864.                                | only, and more.
  865. NETPAY10.ZIP  1012394  06-20-95  NetPay Plus - is a powerful all-purpose
  866.                                | payroll assistant for Windows. It allows you
  867.                                | to easily prepare payroll checks, prepare
  868.                                | periodic bonus or commission pay checks,
  869.                                | calculate the gross pay amount needed to
  870.                                | yield a specified after-tax pay amount, and
  871.                                | much more.
  872. NETSHT10.ZIP   553707  07-14-95  Netsheet v1.0. Good faith estimate program
  873.                                | designed for realtors, investors, & home
  874.                                | owners; extensive on-line help system;
  875.                                | creates sales expense sheets in seconds;
  876.                                | anyone buying or selling real estate will
  877.                                | benefit from this product.
  878. NOTBK201.ZIP   249367  06-13-95  OTEBOOK 2.0 Simple database/notebook for
  879.                                | social workers, etc.
  880. NOWTHN12.ZIP    19852  06-16-95  Now & Then v1.2 A useful utility used to run
  881.                                | other commands one time during a user
  882.                                | specified period. FreeWare by Computer
  883.                                | Solutions
  884. PCDESK53.ZIP   127111  08-31-95  PCDESK v5.3 <ASP> Memo Calendar and Address
  885.                                | Book utility. This highly interactive PC/AT
  886.                                | DOS program generates Monthly Calendars and a
  887.                                | Weekly Planner to which you can add memo
  888.                                | notes. Also generates Yearly Calendars and
  889.                                | displays an Analog Clock. Includes an Address
  890.                                | Book data base, a DOS File Manager and an
  891.                                | ASCII Text Editor. On-line instructions.
  892. PCFD71.ZIP     188305  07-09-95  PC-FOOD II Professional Food Costing calcs
  893.                                | food cost and required selling prices based
  894.                                | on a desired gross profit % and/or $ amount.
  895.                                | Edit portion sizes and ingredient costs to
  896.                                | see the effect on costs and margins. User
  897.                                | selectable sorted displays/printed reports.
  898.                                | Full mouse support. On line help. Note field
  899.                                | for each recipe, ingredient, menu item. Also
  900.                                | calc total revenue, food cost and gross
  901.                                | profit for a banquet, days sales, etc.
  902. PCINCOME.ZIP   162622  08-13-95  <*> Quick PC Home Income <*> A tutorial which
  903.                                | teaches how a beginner can easily write and
  904.                                | compile a menu-driven disk-based book and
  905.                                | start making money from it in just two weeks!
  906.                                | All writers need this program! Make your
  907.                                | knowledge pay off and fill your mailbox!
  908. PCPUB216.ZIP   418759  07-26-95  PC Publisher Elec. Publishing System v2.16
  909.                                | Create ANSI and ASCII Catalogs, Magazines,
  910.                                | Books, Stand-Alone Text Files, Stand-Alone
  911.                                | ANSI Art and Animation Files. Customizable
  912.                                | Pop-Up and Pull-Down Menus. Includes Text
  913.                                | Compression, small viewers (TVIEWER1 under
  914.                                | 7k), TOC compatible Readit ANSI Reader.
  915.                                | Simple, easy to use. Pull-down menus, mouse
  916.                                | support, on-line context-sensitive help, new
  917.                                | UI (User Interface) and more. From RSI.
  918. PDMEMB3H.ZIP   483978  08-07-95  ProDev*MEMBER v3.0h <ASP> Church Membership
  919.                                | system program and documentation. Tracks
  920.                                | everything about anyone involved with the
  921.                                | church, giving & attendance. Many label runs
  922.                                | and reports. Best buy at $55.
  923. PDQUOT6D.ZIP   420278  08-07-95  ProDev*QUOTE V6.0d <ASP> Quote System.
  924.                                | Contains program, data & documentation.
  925.                                | Extremely full featured Quotation or Bidding
  926.                                | system for any type or size of business.
  927.                                | Point & Shoot browse allows rapid preparation
  928.                                | of quotes. Uses dBASE III+ compatible files.
  929.                                | Low registration of only $70.
  930. PHONES.ZIP     199344  07-08-95  PHONES: Phone and Address Database System
  931.                                | Need an easy way to keep up with your phone
  932.                                | numbers and addresses? Phones allows an easy
  933.                                | method of managing this information. Label
  934.                                | and Ad Hoc Report Generation also. Get it NOW!
  935. PHONES20.ZIP   202747  07-10-95  PHONES: Phone and Address Database System
  936.                                | This is version 2.0. $5.00 Registration. Need
  937.                                | an easy way to keep up with your phone
  938.                                | numbers and addresses? Phones allows an easy
  939.                                | method of managing this information. Create
  940.                                | your own phone lists to print, address lists
  941.                                | AND mailing labels. Lots of printers
  942.                                | supported! Get it NOW! CHEAPWARE!
  943. PHOTOCAL.ZIP   642093  06-02-95  PhotoCalendar - allows you to schedule your
  944.                                | day's work with a personalized desktop
  945.                                | calendar using your favorite BMP graphics.
  946.                                | Requires WIN31, a hard drive, 4MB RAM, and
  947.                                | 256-color video.
  948. PMASP200.ZIP   602638  05-15-95  Personnel Management and Scheduling Program -
  949.                                | is an employee scheduling package for
  950.                                | Windows. It provides a wide variety of
  951.                                | scheduling options that allow you to adapt
  952.                                | each schedule to the personal needs of
  953.                                | individual employees and to management
  954.                                | policies. It also provides automatic
  955.                                | calculation of hours and labor costs.
  956. PMASTER.ZIP    314370  06-02-95  Phone Master V4.5 - The Phone Master is a
  957.                                | completely customizable address book for
  958.                                | windows. It will dial the phone or pop-up a
  959.                                | terminal package for modem numbers. You can
  960.                                | customize this package for almost any use.
  961.                                | great for sales people, technical support,
  962.                                | receptionists and home offices. It has
  963.                                | reminder buttons (such as NEED TO CALL) which
  964.                                | can be used to remember things which need to
  965.                                | done. VBRUN300.DLL req.
  966. PMEZIP1.ZIP    296903  05-10-95  PME EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE. Extremely easy to
  967.                                | install and use. Fast Search: by Type of
  968.                                | Equipment, ID#, Location, Supplier, or
  969.                                | Frequency of Maintenance. Reports What needs
  970.                                | to be done! To Screen, File or Printer. Built
  971.                                | in Calendar and Editor. History of Repairs,
  972.                                | Work Orders, Cost Tracker. REQ: 286 or
  973.                                | better. Mono or Color. Windows or DOS.
  974. PPURCH12.ZIP   413324  05-27-95  Pro Purchase v1.2. Complete Purchase Ordering
  975.                                | system. Maintains a database of your vendors,
  976.                                | products, product categories, shipping
  977.                                | addresses, and printed purchase orders.
  978. PRODEQ6.ZIP    418667  05-17-95  ProDev*QUOTE V6.0b <ASP> Quote System.
  979.                                | Contains program, data & documentation.
  980.                                | Extremely full featured Quotation or Bidding
  981.                                | system for any type or size of business.
  982.                                | Point & Shoot browse allows rapid preparation
  983.                                | of quotes. Uses dBASE III+ compatible files.
  984.                                | Low registration of only $70.
  985. PSTAR110.ZIP   436316  07-06-95  PlanStar v1.1 <ASP> Resource Scheduling
  986.                                | System for Windows. Tracks categorized
  987.                                | events, and records/summarizes hours and
  988.                                | dollars for multiple resource types, in one
  989.                                | integrated database. User selects any
  990.                                | combination of categories to display or print
  991.                                | as event lists, or month, week, and day
  992.                                | calendars. Warns of scheduling conflicts.
  993.                                | Fully customizable to suit any scheduling or
  994.                                | logging requirement.
  995. P_MGR53.ZIP    943550  06-01-95  INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MANAGER Ver 5.3 <ASP>
  996.                                | Portfolio Manager tracks market investments,
  997.                                | CD's, Savings, limited partnerships, etc.
  998.                                | Maintains 1 to 5 accts in your portfolio to
  999.                                | separate IRA's, etc. PM measures performance
  1000.                                | to meet long range goals. Computes ROI, est
  1001.                                | and actual yields, and other analytical data.
  1002.                                | It's an excellent tax preparation & planning
  1003.                                | tool. 23 distinct reports. Mouse support.
  1004.                                | Manual on disk. Context sensitive help scrns.
  1005. QCHECK.ZIP     356893  05-30-95  Quick Checks - allow standard bank checks to
  1006.                                | be printed using Quicken 3/4 for Windows.
  1007. QTAX10.ZIP      90018  05-05-95  Fast, easy to use tax calculator and planner.
  1008.                                | Answers filing status, dependency and
  1009.                                | withholding allowance questions. Anyone can
  1010.                                | use QuickTax's easy question and answer
  1011.                                | format with hyperspeed review and entry for
  1012.                                | fastest updating. Summary review of all tax
  1013.                                | areas. Quicktax guides you through an entire
  1014.                                | return at warp speed without struggling with
  1015.                                | any IRS forms or flow charts. Get the most
  1016.                                | from deductions and credits.
  1017. QWINET.ZIP     115613  06-14-95  Help for Quicken Users from the Internet.
  1018.                                | Windows Help file format. (Quicken is a
  1019.                                | personal finance program that works on Macs,
  1020.                                | OS/2, PC/Windows and DOS. It can perform
  1021.                                | management of checking accounts as well as
  1022.                                | credit cards, assetaccounts, liability
  1023.                                | accounts and investments.) Features: Getting
  1024.                                | More Information. Printing Report, Graphs and
  1025.                                | Checks. Utilities and Data Conversion.
  1026. RATIO1_3.ZIP   258725  07-11-95  (v1.3) Mortgage Ratio Modeler - Calculates
  1027.                                | the front and back ratios for conventional
  1028.                                | loans. Change assumptions on the fly. Great
  1029.                                | for loan officers and potential borrowers.
  1030.                                | Program supports numerous user defined
  1031.                                | defaults and print out. Also included is an
  1032.                                | on-line help file
  1033. RS120.ZIP     2634639  06-21-95  Real Estate Data System v1.20. Residential
  1034.                                | properties sales system. Keeps details about
  1035.                                | the properies, owners, buyers, solicitors,
  1036.                                | appointments, offers, and memos and it lets
  1037.                                | you do all the routine tasks involved in
  1038.                                | selling a property.
  1039. SARG03.ZIP      58670  05-31-95  SHAREWARE AUTHOR'S RESOURCE GUIDE - 3rd ed.
  1040.                                | Whether you're a veteran shareware author or
  1041.                                | just starting out, you'll find this concise,
  1042.                                | menu-driven guide EXTREMELY helpful to
  1043.                                | running a PROFITABLE shareware business.
  1044.                                | Effectively program, market, & distribute.
  1045.                                | Ultimately increase registrations and profit.
  1046.                                | Requires DOS 3.3 or above.
  1047. SBA95_1.ZIP    689217  06-18-95  SMALL BUSINESS ADVISOR v95.1 <ASP> ZIPfile 1
  1048.                                | of 1: Expert, tax/legal consultant-on-a-disk.
  1049.                                | Advises your business on vast range of busi-
  1050.                                | ness, legal, tax issues. Over 600 pages up-to
  1051.                                | date info (Fed & all 50 states), by a Harvard
  1052.                                | lawyer/CPA. Menu-driven, 5 minutes to learn.
  1053.                                | Interactive consulting sessions on: Whether
  1054.                                | to incorp., home office, etc.; custom startup
  1055.                                | checklists; tax planning modules & much more!
  1056.                                | Nothing else like it! RONIN SOFTWARE, $29.95
  1057. SCM20.ZIP       57292  06-20-95  Shift Schedule Maker 2.0 Will printout a 12
  1058.                                | hour, 28 day rotating shift schedule of any
  1059.                                | month for the next 100 years or so. Supports
  1060.                                | 7 days longweek and every other weekend off
  1061.                                | schedules. Good for Dupont(Deepwater), PSEG
  1062.                                | and Geon Co.
  1063. SECEDGE.ZIP    103139  05-20-95  Securities Edge. Sophisticated selling skills
  1064.                                | development program for professionals
  1065.                                | involved in selling equities, fixed income
  1066.                                | securities, and financial derivatives. Works
  1067.                                | in Word for Windows v6.0.
  1068. SEO215.ZIP     104522  05-27-95  FINALLY! A comprehensive, accurate reference
  1069.                                | for entrepeneurs! This tutorial-style work
  1070.                                | covers everything from the why's, to the
  1071.                                | wherefores of a new business. Read why so
  1072.                                | many people are starting their own business
  1073.                                | ventures and how it can be done with a
  1074.                                | minimum of risk. Registered version ($40)
  1075.                                | contains full information for dozens of
  1076.                                | businesses that can be started and run with
  1077.                                | only one person: YOU!
  1078. SEW.ZIP        638678  07-12-95  Scheduling Employees for Windows V5.00 (ASP)-
  1079.                                | The PC Magazine editors gave this program the
  1080.                                | 1995 Business shareware of the year award.
  1081.                                | All time is entered by mouse with easy copy
  1082.                                | functions. Times and wages are displayed as
  1083.                                | the schedule progresses. Fictitious Employees
  1084.                                | are loaded during the auto install for
  1085.                                | practice. A distribution graph displays the
  1086.                                | hour by hour coverage for each day. Many
  1087.                                | other features. Guia International
  1088. SFLAPPS.ZIP    987253  05-11-95  Systematic Finance Applications v2.20. Suite
  1089.                                | of financial templates for Excel. Provides
  1090.                                | company accounts and performance ratios
  1091.                                | analysis, lessor lease evaluation, lease vs.
  1092.                                | purchase and lease purchase analysis, a
  1093.                                | finance calculator, more.
  1094. SHVEND15.ZIP    36782  07-26-95  The Shareware Vendor v1.5 is a small, fast,
  1095.                                | and easily customizable installation program
  1096.                                | for vendors to distribute their shareware
  1097.                                | disks to end users. Installs self-extracting
  1098.                                | EXE's or ZIP files. Supports multiple files
  1099.                                | and disks (up to 25 programs per disk set).
  1100.                                | Select program name from scrolling list box.
  1101.                                | Checks for valid drive & disk space, creates
  1102.                                | directory if doesn't exist, prompts for each
  1103.                                | disk. From Relative Software.
  1104. SLVIT43.ZIP    424508  06-12-95  SolveIT! 4.3s <ASP> [DOS/WIN] 32 easy-to-use
  1105.                                | financial calculators, among them: Future
  1106.                                | Value, Loan, Amortization, Present Value,
  1107.                                | Time-to-Withdrawal, Accelerated Payments,
  1108.                                | Budget, Net Worth, IRR, NPV many, many more.
  1109.                                | Just fill-in-the-blanks and press [F9] to
  1110.                                | solve. Detail on-line help & 100 plus page
  1111.                                | manual. Flexible, pick different frequencies,
  1112.                                | adjust rates & cash flows. Shareware $69.95.
  1113.                                | Pine Grove Software. Since 1985.
  1114. SST107.ZIP     478116  05-16-95  Software Sales Tracker - is a sales tracking
  1115.                                | program for software authors. It
  1116.                                | automatically generates serial numbers for
  1117.                                | each product sold and keeps track of
  1118.                                | quantities sold, customer addresses,
  1119.                                | telephone numbers, product serial numbers,
  1120.                                | product versions or models, and more.
  1121. STCKWZ21.ZIP    85600  09-05-95  StockQuest v2.1 <ASP> Stock Analyser.
  1122.                                | Multi-dimensional fundamental "what-if" stock
  1123.                                | valuations, using earnings, growth rate, term
  1124.                                | and yield target. Reveals details of
  1125.                                | underlying calculation. Easy to use. An
  1126.                                | essential tool for validating stock trading
  1127.                                | and investment decisions. (Requires
  1128.                                | VBRUN300.DLL)
  1129. TC47MIN.ZIP    433643  08-01-95  TIME AND CHAOS v4.07 The Award Winning
  1130.                                | Windows PIM. Appointments, Calendar, ToDo's
  1131.                                | and Phonebook all in one screen. Standard or
  1132.                                | Custom reporting of your data. Fully Network
  1133.                                | capable. Supports Drag & Drop. Powerful
  1134.                                | features like Categories & Search. Multiple
  1135.                                | views of your appointments. Fully TAPI
  1136.                                | compliant. Easy mergeing to the latest
  1137.                                | Windows word processors. Requires
  1138.                                | VBRUN300.DLL. 21 Day Nag Free Evaluation.
  1139. TELADD10.ZIP  1169974  05-18-95  TelAdd - is a telephone and address database
  1140.                                | for Windows. Features include fields for four
  1141.                                | phone numbers and one fax number, a free-form
  1142.                                | note field, the ability to print labels and
  1143.                                | envelopes, comma or tab delimited
  1144.                                | import/export, telephone dialing over a
  1145.                                | modem, and more.
  1146. TEMP10.ZIP     100212  06-13-95  TempServ 1.0 Finding A Job
  1147. TI123V30.ZIP   411816  08-27-95  Total Investor (TI) is a portfolio management
  1148.                                | and charting program for use with 1-2-3 for
  1149.                                | Windows (V4.X and greater). TI tracks
  1150.                                | securities and transactions, charts stocks,
  1151.                                | and aids trading decisions with a wide array
  1152.                                | of technical indicators. Includes built in
  1153.                                | updating from America Online, Prodigy, and
  1154.                                | Compuserve.
  1155. TIMCLK.ZIP     429068  06-01-95  Time Partner for Windows - is an employee
  1156.                                | time clock. It features the ability to edit
  1157.                                | time and print time worked for a specified
  1158.                                | period of time (week, two weeks, bi-monthly,
  1159.                                | monthly, etc.).
  1160. TIMEMSTR.ZIP   140171  06-06-95  Time Master V3.2 The Time Master is an
  1161.                                | excellent program for tracking things you
  1162.                                | need to do. The Time Master will remind you
  1163.                                | when you need to do something. Type in a task
  1164.                                | you need to do using an easy to use interface
  1165.                                | and it will show you a list which you can
  1166.                                | print out. Now with more room to type in
  1167.                                | tasks. Needs VBRUN300.DLL
  1168. TIMFL131.ZIP    44539  07-25-95  TimeSheet Filler v1.31. Makes the weekly bind
  1169.                                | of producing a timesheet easier; remembers
  1170.                                | personal details, codes, descriptions, dates;
  1171.                                | autoadjusts input to a target figure, sorts
  1172.                                | and maintains codes, more.
  1173. TIMFLY17.ZIP   233525  05-01-95  >> Excellent Pop-up Date Reminder - Free
  1174.                                | TIMEFLYS Date Reminder - Freeware v1.7 *
  1175.                                | Selected by PC World (5/95) as one * * of the
  1176.                                | 30 Best low-cost shareware * * programs in
  1177.                                | cyberspace ! * No nagging or cumbersome
  1178.                                | calendars here. EASY interface with quality
  1179.                                | features for those who: - Only need a few
  1180.                                | timely reminders. - Don't have time to learn
  1181.                                | a bunch
  1182. TLDEMO32.ZIP   947451  07-20-95  Responsive Time Logger. Tracks how you spend
  1183.                                | your time on the computer. Tracks expenses as
  1184.                                | well!
  1185. TMTR102.ZIP    151216  07-21-95  TimeTracker v1.0.2. Application for recording
  1186.                                | time tasks, useful anyone who bills for time
  1187.                                | or just wants a simple solution for keeping
  1188.                                | track of time events and charges.
  1189. TMVAL3_6.ZIP   253165  05-13-95  (v3.6) Time Value Modeler - tool to solve for
  1190.                                | the standard six functions of the dollar and
  1191.                                | other derivative financial functions. Solve
  1192.                                | for just about any time period including
  1193.                                | daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and
  1194.                                | annual periods. Program supports numerous
  1195.                                | user defined defaults along with inter-period
  1196.                                | payment scenarios and beginning and end of
  1197.                                | period payments.
  1198. TODO16.ZIP      78102  05-26-95  TODO List v1.6 - TODO is a program that adds
  1199.                                | organization to a list that you can fill with
  1200.                                | all the stuff that you may want to forget but
  1201.                                | can't. This is a very powerful and versatile
  1202.                                | program, but is still very easy to use, and
  1203.                                | guaranteed to free up some desk space.
  1204. TXTIME20.ZIP   342479  06-03-95  TraxTime 2.0-personal punch clock for Windows
  1205.                                | Featured in Windows Magazine's SUPERIOR
  1206.                                | SHAREWARE column. Ziff-Davis Interactive
  1207.                                | awarded TraxTime 4 stars! Its slick design is
  1208.                                | easy, yet powerful. Unlimited # of projects
  1209.                                | and dates. All in/out times are easily
  1210.                                | edited. Requires VBRUN300.DLL Custom reports
  1211.                                | go to printer, disk, screen. Lots of options.
  1212.                                | $19.50 shareware. Manager's version is also
  1213.                                | available.
  1214. ULTEZ-1.ZIP   1389886  05-16-95  Ultra-Easy Bookkeeping for Windows 1/2
  1215. ULTEZ-2.ZIP   1217174  05-16-95  Ultra-Easy Bookkeeping for Windows 2/2
  1216. VATCALC.ZIP    306636  06-22-95  VAT Calculator - allows you to calculate the
  1217.                                | cost of goods including and excluding
  1218.                                | VAT/Sales Tax. Requires VBRUN300.
  1219. VCALC22.ZIP    470523  07-25-95  VCalc, the vehicle calculator, V2.2. Stores,
  1220.                                | calculates, and analyzes the cost and
  1221.                                | efficiency of your vehicles. New version adds
  1222.                                | many new features, including the ability to
  1223.                                | enter aircraft & watercraft (hourly based
  1224.                                | vehicles). Requires Windows 3.1, and the file
  1225.                                | "VBRUN300.DLL" (available separately through
  1226.                                | most on-line services). From Hansen Software.
  1227. VDIARY.ZIP     139459  05-21-95  Visual Diary + is a daily diary program. Like
  1228.                                | a manual diary, users can enter notes, ideas,
  1229.                                | comments on events of the day, feelings, etc
  1230.                                | or whatever they wish in the diary. The
  1231.                                | program supports multiple entries per day and
  1232.                                | up to 3 user-defined key words per entry to
  1233.                                | track key ideas, concepts, feelings or
  1234.                                | people. Visual Diary + also provides visual
  1235.                                | tools to make the application more appealing
  1236.                                | and easier to use. For example: A calendar is
  1237. VIDEO20S.ZIP   472222  06-09-95  THE VIDEO STORE 2.0 Rev S A video rental
  1238.                                | store POS system that is very powerful and
  1239.                                | simple to use. Supports customers, inventory,
  1240.                                | sales, salesmen, products & rentals,
  1241.                                | payments, late fees, and is network ready.
  1242.                                | Supports popular POS hardware. Invoices may
  1243.                                | be customized and supports US & foreign
  1244.                                | countries.
  1245. VIPCRD.ZIP     426910  06-01-95  VIP Partner for Windows - creates VIP cards
  1246.                                | and maintains VIP lists and fees. This is an
  1247.                                | excellent tool to creates better public
  1248.                                | relations with your best customers.
  1249. VISTA.ZIP      437982  08-15-95  A fast, powerful, and easy to use spreadsheet
  1250.                                | program for the home and office. VistaCalc's
  1251.                                | user friendly interface enables you to create
  1252.                                | a wide range of documents. Everything from
  1253.                                | your own personalized budget plan to
  1254.                                | financial and accounting presentations for
  1255.                                | the office. Full spreadsheet program with
  1256.                                | many special features and functions, that
  1257.                                | only programs, such as Excel, can offer.
  1258. VLT16110.ZIP   311309  06-21-95  Vault v1.10 for Windows 3.1 - Vault stores
  1259.                                | your information as an outline. Vault
  1260.                                | organizes your information into categories
  1261.                                | and sub-categories that you specify. Vault's
  1262.                                | search command finds the information you need
  1263.                                | instantly. You can also browse the outline by
  1264.                                | expanding and collapsing items.
  1265. VNOTES11.ZIP   246882  06-08-95  Vulcan Notes brings you one step closer to
  1266.                                | the paperless office/home. It lets you
  1267.                                | generate up to 100 virtual "sticky notes" on
  1268.                                | your screen. Additional features include an
  1269.                                | alarm for each note with repeat settings and
  1270.                                | find/replace. Very fast, handy and simple to
  1271.                                | use. It's the perfect reminding tool that
  1272.                                | will increase your productivity.
  1273. VTID262.ZIP    279550  08-01-95  _______ VALUE TREND INDICATOR v2.62_________
  1274.                                | Successful Investors program with databases.
  1275.                                | Compare and determine the Value of company
  1276.                                | share prices and recognize Growth Stocks and
  1277.                                | Mutual Funds in advance of the Market.
  1278.                                | Record, track and graph all popular Stock
  1279.                                | Market Indices such as the DJIA.
  1280.                                | Calculations, projections and graphs for
  1281.                                | Saving, Investing, Retirement. Excellent On-
  1282.                                | Line Help. For Win 3.x and 95. Rated:
  1283. WCAL160.ZIP    130532  05-09-95  Win Calculator 1.60 Loan Calculator Extended
  1284.                                | memory function for drag and drop operation
  1285.                                | during calculations, stay on top clock with
  1286.                                | date and time, operations trace and save
  1287.                                | ability. requires vbrun300.dll
  1288. WILLIE09.ZIP  1367768  05-28-95  Willie's Auto Financing Guide v09.
  1289. WINDAT3.ZIP    491952  06-17-95  Windows Customer/Client database. Can also be
  1290.                                | used as a simple address book or vendor info
  1291.                                | base.
  1292. WINDO11A.ZIP   178217  06-17-95  Win Daily Organizer v1.1a. Daily reminder
  1293.                                | program.
  1294. WINFIN40.ZIP   468551  08-01-95  FINANCIAL ANALYSIS FOR WINDOWS v 4.00 <ASP>
  1295.                                | This program will analyze a wide range of
  1296.                                | financial instruments involoving time and
  1297.                                | money. The unknown of your choice is computed
  1298.                                | along with several other values important to
  1299.                                | the investment. Many have "What-Ifs", graphs
  1300.                                | and spreadsheets. Mortgage and Amortization,
  1301.                                | Bonds, Bond Ladder, Bills, CD's, IRR, NPV,
  1302.                                | Options, Lease, Retirement and many others.
  1303. WINV10D.ZIP   1169235  05-31-95  WInvoices v1.0 <ASP> - invoicing program and
  1304.                                | much more! Print professional invoices and
  1305.                                | work orders with just a mouse click. Includes
  1306.                                | customer, parts, resource databases, all in a
  1307.                                | tightly integrated environment providing you
  1308.                                | with total control over your receivables.
  1309.                                | WInvoices comes with several canned reports,
  1310.                                | and if that's not enough, you can even define
  1311.                                | and store your own reports!
  1312. WMSD832.ZIP    298320  08-01-95  ______ WEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM v8.32 ______
  1313.                                | A comprehensive personal financial program.
  1314.                                | Provides calculations, projections, graphs
  1315.                                | for Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net Worth
  1316.                                | Mortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds.
  1317.                                | Portfolio management system records, tracks
  1318.                                | and graphs your investment performance.
  1319.                                | Covers all stages of a person's financial
  1320.                                | life. Excellent On-Line Help. Win 3.x and 95
  1321.                                | Rated:. Requires VBRUN300.DLL
  1322. WORKS.ZIP      406294  05-15-95  Works Managment Demo - is a works management
  1323.                                | system that automates complex clerical
  1324.                                | procedures in banking, insurance, and general
  1325.                                | business enviroments. Requires Access 2.0.
  1326. WPIM50.ZIP    1299090  08-17-95  This PIM is perhaps the easiest one you will
  1327.                                | ever use. A full drag and drop interface is
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  1330.                                | in the Rolodex Style Phonebook. Dial, Fax
  1331.                                | Documents, Create business letters, schedule
  1332.                                | appointments, Edit, save, & print text files,
  1333.                                | Create beautiful reports of all. Fits the
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  1336. ZCLD10.ZIP     401501  06-10-95  (v1.00) ZCLD - Zip Code Locator for DOS
  1337.                                | Displays the City and State when given a Zip
  1338.                                | Code. Also allows the first Zip Code in a
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  1340.                                | are specified.
  1341. ZCLW10.ZIP     397480  05-25-95  (v1.00) ZCLW - Zip Code Locator for Windows
  1342.                                | Displays the City and State when given a Zip
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  1344.                                | region to be found when the City and State
  1345.                                | are specified. Requires VBRUN200.DLL